Alert! Avoid using mobile at night; There will be side effects
There will be many people around you who do not feel comfortable without a mobile. The phone is picked up while sleeping at night again using the phone all day. But, do you know the side effects of using a smartphone?
In modern times, the use of mobile, commuters, laptops have become a part of life. Everyone from the youngest to the oldest seems to be subject to mobile. Then you have to talk on the phone for hours sometimes to listen to songs, sometimes to play games and also because of the need of many professions.
Currently, mobile has become an integral part of life. Millions of people in our country use mobile. Many people don’t even wake up in the morning without carrying a mobile phone. There will be many people around you who do not feel comfortable without mobile due to the habit of using the device. The phone is picked up while sleeping at night again using the phone all day.
However, the side effects of using a smartphone are many. Excessive use of Phone is Dangerous. Even those who turn off the lights at night and look at the phone, suffer serious consequences.
This news has come to light with reference to TV9 regarding the report of DW. Using a smartphone at night affects your sleep. According to research, the waves emitted from mobile phones affect the eyes and hormones. Therefore, the body cannot relax. This is what affects sleep. Sleep duration decreases.
For this, DW studied the daily mobile usage habits of two twin sisters. One of the sisters would go to bed every night reading a book, and the other would look at the phone while sleeping. This had an effect on sleep habits. The girl reading the book was falling asleep. So, the other sister had less sleep.
It was concluded that those who look at the phone while sleeping has less sleep. In addition, excessive use of mobiles does not rule out the possibility of fatigue, loss of concentration, dizziness, nausea, and upset stomach. The high temperature of the mobile also affects the eyes. Axis magnetic power can also cause eye irritation or cataract-like disorders.
Lack of good sleep at night reduces the ability to concentrate. Those who are in the habit of looking at the phone while sleeping at night should change the phone setting and turn off the lights.