How to Fix 500 Internal Server Error in WordPress? Yes, friends, today we will talk about this topic, so let’s start. When visiting your website, your website is found to be closed due to a malfunction in the website database and if you get to see 500 Internal Server Error in error then you What would you do? If you do not know, it is not a problem.
This error is a bit scary because in this you do not know what to do now, just like an error triggering a database connection, your site completely disappears, so you do not have to worry. This error is fixable and chances are that the data on your WordPress site is safe.
Today we will teach you in this article:
What is an internal server error?
How do you fix internal server error in WordPress?
What is internal server error? (500 Internal Server Error)
Internal server error, which we can also call as 500 Internal server error, which gives you your server, which tells you that there are some errors in your server, this error can be caused by a number of reasons which can cause your website to close. Goes, so we cannot define it.
Internal server error ring (500 Internal Server Error)
- corrupting .htaccess.
- Issues with any one plugin.
- Completion of PHP memory limit.
- WordPress‘s corrupt core files.
So these internal calls can cause internal server error in your site, now we will tell you how to fix this problem in a fast way?
For this, you have to go to your Cpanel, and first, you have to see the error log of your Cpanel, in it, you will see what the problem is in your site. If you are not a developer, you will not understand what is the exact problem? Therefore, we will tell you some tips below, due to that you will be able to easily fix your error:
So you can contact your host’s support to tell you what exactly the problem is.
Solve some common issues of which main is telling you below.
How to fix 500 Internal Server Error in WordPress (500 Internal Server Error)
To fix this error of WordPress, I have given some tips with the hope that by following it you will be able to fix the error of your site.
Fix Step 1: Create a new .htaccess file (500 Internal Server Error)
The .htaccess file is a file for the configuration of your web server. WordPress uses this to set the structure of your permalinks.
Because it controls the configuration of your web server, even a small mistake in this file can put an internal server error in front of you. But thankfully it is very easy to solve this problem. All you have to do is force WordPress to generate a new .htaccess file for you.
- Rename the existing .htaccess file – You have to rename your already available file .htaccess file. To rename the file, you will have to go to cPanel and log into the file manager.
- After reaching there, you have to open the folder of PUBLIC_HTML. After opening, you will see the .htaccess file and right-click on it and click on the rename.
.htaccess rename (500 Internal Server Error)
- Rename it to .htaccess 2 or whatever name you want to do.
- Now to replace it, you have to create a new .htaccess.
To generate a new .htaccess file for your WordPress, go to your WordPress dashboard. (500 Internal Server Error)
- Then go to Settings → Permalinks.
- You do not have to make any changes there, just click save changes.
- After that WordPress will give you a new .htaccess itself.
- Just then your website will start running.
Fix Step 2: By deactivate the plugins, search the faulty plugin (500 Internal Server Error)
Friends, if you are having problems even after fixing the .htaccess, then use another method and deactivate your plugin.
Usually, plugin issues and conflicts can cause internal server errors. This often happens when you have installed a new plugin and immediately you get an error.
By deactivating the plugins, you can search and delete the plugin that causes the problem.
If you are able to access your WordPress dashboard then you will be able to deactivate it easily but if you are not able to access the dashboard then you will have to go to the file manager.
When an internal server error occurs, there are most chances that you will not be able to access the dashboard. In such a situation, you have to take a slightly different approach to deactivate plugins.
- In this case, you will have to resort to the File Manager or FTP. You can also use Filezilla.
- Go to the / wp-content / folder.
- Rename the plugins folder as plugins_2.
Capture 8 will activate all the plugins from this, after that access your WordPress dashboard, if logged in, it means that your plugin has a problem.
If you go to the plugin in the dashboard in WordPress, you will see an error (“the plugin has been deactivated due to an error; the plugin file does not exist.”), Then we have finally discovered which plugin is in the problem now. Change the name you placed in your cpanel back and keep it the same, now reactivate one by one on the WordPress dashboard.
After activating each plug-in, visit two to three pages till the error arrives, by doing so you will get the plugin giving an internal server error.
In most cases, an internal server error occurs due to plugging.
Fix Step 3. Increase the PHP memory limit (500 Internal Server Error)
If even after this your problem is not solved, then you have to increase the PHP memory limit of your hosting because sometimes the size of some plugin or theme is bigger then it demands more space, so you will have to increase it. To do this you have to edit the wp-config.php file. You can also access it from FTP or file manager. Capture 9
/ * Height all, stop editing! Happy blogging. Before * / message you have to add this code:
define (‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ’64M’);
Capture 10 This will work only if your host has not set a lower memory limit for you.
For this reason, if you do not see any change after editing this file, then you will have to contact your host to increase the limit.
Fix Step 4. WordPress core files have to be uploaded again (500 Internal Server Error)
Finally, if nothing happens, you will need to upload a clean copy of the core files of WordPress. For this purpose, I recommend using the FTP program instead of the File Manager.
Note: Make sure that before doing all this, take a complete backup of your site. (500 Internal Server Error)
Once the download is over, extract and delete the ZIP file:
- All wp-content folder.
- wp-config-sample.php file.
Capture 12 After this, upload all the remaining files to your WordPress site via FTP. Your FTP program will give you a prompt for duplicate files. When this happens, do not forget to choose the option of Overwrite duplicate files.
(500 Internal Server Error)
So I hope this article has been understood, one of the four ways has been reduced. If not, then main recommends you to contact your host’s support team and if that too does not help you. If you can, you can hire a WordPress developer to fix things.
So if you have also received this error, then how are you fixed, please tell us in the comment, and to get a similar article, please subscribe to us.