How to set up voicemail on your any phone including iPhone or Android
How to set up voicemail on iPhone, How to configure voice mail on your phone, how to set up voicemail on iPhone 12, how to set up voicemail on iPhone 11, how to set up voicemail on iPhone 13, how to set up voicemail on iPhone 12 Pro, how to set up voicemail on iPhone XR, how to set up voicemail on iPhone 7, how to set up voicemail on iPhone 8, how to set up voicemail on iPhone SE, how to set up voicemail on iPhone 6, how to set up voicemail on iPhone 8
One question we may ask ourselves is how to configure our iPhone’s voice mail and the answer is simple in most cases. Depends on our Mobile Se operator.
Yes, the telephone is more than a function of itself, it is a function that companies offer to their customers and in this case it is enough to call the operator and request activation. What we know as “voicemail” and ready. It is important that, obviously, we have a phone with voice mail service.
But today we want to go one step further and see how we can automatically answer calls on the iPhone or activate the Visual Voicemail service that the Cupertino firm adds to the iPhone.
So go to the parts and start with the option to answer calls automatically from the iPhone, which is something close to having an answering machine but without the need to contact the operator.
How to voicemail for incoming calls automatically
In this case it is the option that is most hidden and can be found within the Accessibility section. What we need to do is:
- We access the settings of our iPhone
2. Now enter access and then touch
3. Click on the audio address and select to respond automatically
4. We configure the time we want as long as we don’t want to go off the hook tomorrow and now
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What we will get with this is that incoming calls are automatically answered in full in the time we have added. This feature can be useful in some situations where answering the phone can be a difficult task.
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Set up Voicemail
In this case, the operator needs to be supported and in most of country, most of them allow this function, so in principle you should have no problem activating it. Anyway you can consult here if your operator allows this type of visual voicemail on your iPhone.
At the moment we have it activated by the operator we can now continue with this activation, which is very simple:
- To access the settings and there enter the phone number and and, then press the Voicemail tab.
- Now press Configure
- Create a password for voicemail and click OK
- Confirm it and click again
- Now Choose custom or default. If you select Custom, you can record a new congratulations
And is ready. With this we can have voicemail activated. A few years ago users used all sorts of messages for voice mailboxes and some added songs in a waiting tone before taking a call. Like everything in this world, fashions come and go but in this case it is not about going back in time but it is about knowing that these types of configurations are possible on any phone and even on an iPhone.
Operators do not usually have problems activating these voice mailboxes or call diversions and today we have a lot of options. For example, on current iPhone you can configure that your phone number is hidden directly from its settings, without having to put any asterisks or pounds to make calls. Using only the phone settings, an option com called “Show Caller ID” and by disabling it we can also call any number secretly, it is not necessary to add anything.