Identify such real and fake apps, Saved from many types of damages
We keep many types of apps on our Smartphone. But do we know whether these apps are real or fake? These fake apps harm us in many ways. Let’s know about them.
At present, there are apps for everything in the market. Whether it is about fitness, organizing yourself, horoscope, mobile optimization, games or regular health monitoring. Apps are available for everything. Recently it was revealed that there were many such apps on the Google Play Store that were breaking into your Facebook password and login ID. In such a situation, your responsibility increases a lot that how to beware of these fake apps. That’s why it is important that you know the difference between real and fake apps. This will save you from trouble in future.
See spelling
The basic difference between a real and a fake app is spelling. They either exaggerate a word in the spelling or make small changes in the beginning, end or middle of the name of the spelling. So you need to recognize it.
Check ratings and downloads
Check reviews, ratings and downloads of apps that you are going to download from Google Play Store.
Publish date
Apart from this, you should also pay attention to the publish date of the app. If this is a new app from a well-known company, then its publish date should also be new.
Review and description
Pay attention to the description of the apps. With this you will get all the information about the App. After this, as well as you read the review of the App, you get feedback like this.
What kind of permission does it ask
Also consider what kind of permissions the app asks for from you. If the app is asking you for more information than usual, then there is a need to be alert.
Store website in browser
One can visit the website of the store in the browser and look for the option ‘Get Our App’, which will take you to the respective app where you will be able to download the authorize app