Netflix has announced to offer its service free for two days in India. The company has said that it is being done under Netflix StreamFest.
During this stream fest of Netflix, anyone in India can watch premium content of Netflix. They will not have to pay for this. However, for this, you have to sign-up through your email ID or number.
According to Netflix, for two days all users will have access to all the features of Netflix that are currently given to premium users. No debit or credit card details will also have to be entered to sign up.
Under Netflix StreamFest, you can visit to watch free Netflix. You can also download the Android app, you can sign up if you do not have an account or already have an account.
From today you can set a reminder by going to so that you can watch free Netflix as soon as it is life. The company has said that those who sign in during the stream fest will only be able to see the content of standard definition.
The company has also said that smartphones, TVs, iOS devices, gaming consoles will be able to watch content everywhere with a Netflix account. It can also be cast from a smartphone to a TV.
Netflix Free in India will be on 5 December from 12.01 AM and it will run till 11.59 PM on 6 December.
The company has said that if the number of viewers will be limited during the stream fest. So if you see the message of StreamFest is at capacity during this time, then you will be told that when you can start streaming.