Mobile Weak Signal is bothering you, get rid of this trick
If signals are coming in the phone again and again, then remove the cover on the mobile and try it. By doing this, network problems can be avoided to a great extent.
If you face the problem of mobile network in your home every day, then you are bound to get angry and annoyed. In this situation your urgent call may be missed. There may be frequent interruptions in talking. Not only this, you have also changed the mobile operator to solve this problem. In such a situation, it is very important that you know the reason for this merger and take measures.
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Signal booster too
One of the reasons for not having network in mobile can be a signal booster installed near your house. The Telecommunication Department keeps taking action from time to time regarding this.
Know why signal booster is a problem
There are two types of antenna with the booster. One is mounted on the roof and the other indoors. In rural or residential areas where there is a network problem, people install such a signal booster for their convenience, which catches the mobile signal. Booster increases mobile signal and internet speed. Voice break, the problem in the network goes away. But it is illegal to install such boosters. Because due to this others start having problem of network and internet speed.
Follow these tricks
remove phone cover
If signals are coming in the phone again and again, then remove the cover on the mobile and try it. By doing this, network problems can be avoided to a great extent.
Change network
If you are facing the problem of weak signal in any area then you can switch from 4G to 2G. In such a situation, even if the speed of your internet decreases but the problem of weak signal will be solved.
open house window
If the signal is weak then open the window of the house. You can also take the phone in open space, this will increase the signal received by the mobile.
Forward call to another number
If at a certain place you are facing the problem of weak signal for a long time, then you can forward the call to the number of other company working right at that place.
hold mobile lightly
Experts say that if you hold the mobile tight, then another layer is added to the phone. Due to which there is a problem in receiving or sending the signal.