Snapchat Landmaker Lens brings India Gate On Independence Day 2021
To is Independence Day 2021 and on the occasion of this special day, Snapchat has come up with new surprises. They have introduced the landmark AR lens. With the help of which you can do a great job if you use Snapchat.
This new feature will paint India Gate in the colors of freedom. Will paint in the colors of our national flag. You can see such an unimaginable scene with the help of this lens. To use this lens, just open the Snapchat application. Then when you hold the lens towards the Delhi Gate, you can see that the Delhi Gate has become colored with the colors of our national flag on the occasion of Independence Day. You can easily share that picture.
Earlier we also saw that a number of special landmarks of our country were brought into the advantage of this lens. This is the third landmark of Snapchat’s landmark AR lens in our country.
Earlier we saw the Taj Mahal in Agra, later The Gateway of India, and then came this India Gate landmark. So if you are around India Gate at the moment, be sure to look at your Snapchat lens at that India Gate. And don’t forget to share that scene.
It is pertinent to note that in 2019, Snapchat introduced such a landmark lens. Their target was to bring special places of interest to different countries of the world under this effect. Later they also launched local lenses. Their main purpose was to give a unique look to the special places of interest of each country through this lens. While not everyone can use Snapchat’s efforts using augmented reality (AR), those who visit these places will be able to enjoy this feature.