The video length of Instagram Reels has been extended, along with more important features, must be know
Platforms like Instagram Reels have grown exponentially since the ban on ticking in India. This time Instagram came with some important updates in this Instagram release.
Until now, 15-second and 30-second videos could be uploaded between Instagram reels. This time the time span was increased to one minute. That is 60 seconds. If you want, you can post a 60 second long video in Instagram reels. Which is going to be very convenient for Instagram users. Undoubtedly, everyone thinks it is a very special feature. In 60 seconds you can make all the more awesome videos.
However, Instagram is stopping here. This time new protection measures are being brought in Instagram. Which will give teenagers a safer social media experience.
Newcomers will join Instagram if they are teenagers. This means that if you are 16 years or less or in some countries 18 years or less, their account will be automatically transferred to a private account. As a result, only those you will follow will be able to follow you. For which no one outside can go and annoy them or embarrass them by making immoral comments. Which is definitely a very important and necessary feature that everyone thinks.
However, there is nothing to fear if you want to make your account from private to public very easily. If you are an Instagram reel user then these features will definitely give you great benefits. Do you spell reels on Instagram? How do you like these two new features?