We always show the feature of Twitter that is the “News for you” section on our mobile or PC. This section always informs us of the current news on Twitter. It will notify you of the latest headlines and updates about these events. This way, your eyes do not have to stick to the screen and you do not need an invitation to follow what you want and give up the rest.
Sometimes, there are things that you are not interested in. The sports fan doesn’t care much about politics. So, he does not need election updates in his Twitter notification bar. Fortunately, Twitter allows you to turn off the “News for You” notice.
Here’s how:
Your notification feature disables Twitter news
1. Open the Twitter app on your Android or iPhone.
2. Tap your profile picture.
3. Next, go to Settings and Privacy.
4. In the list of settings, click Notifications.
5. Under Preferences, tap Push Notifications.
6. From Twitter, turn off the News Slider.
7. First, open the Twitter app on your phone. Tap your profile picture and hit “Settings & Privacy”.
That’s all. From now on, the notification feature for you will not see Twitter news.
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Why can I see News for You ads on Twitter?
Remember when the government closed last year? It was an important event and Twitter decided to let people know about its latest developments. So, the social media platform has pushed it to people’s home screens. This sends the news directly to the Reference tab in the app.
This feature has been a huge success. So, Twitter decided to make it a permanent thing. The truth is that we have been testing the platform feature for over a year. Last year’s lockdown was the best moment Twitter needed to make available to its users.
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How do notifications work for you?
Notifications are personalized, meaning not all users receive the same push notifications. The algorithm determines which users will receive notifications based on previous search history, platform preferences, and other factors.
Finally, the notification calls you “ Twitter Moment” – a group of tweets merging into one theme thread. Twitter collects a collection of these threads and they cover a specific topic.
It is clear why Twitter introduced this feature to increase engagement. The idea behind this is similar to how publishers attract readers to a large store.