WhatsApp flaws or omissions? People are spying on their partners with this feature
WhatsApp is a very popular messaging app even after the privacy controversy in India. India is its biggest market. Hackers and scammers also keep an eye on WhatsApp. WhatsApp is online public. That is, anyone who is online on WhatsApp can see it if it is not blocked.
A report by Traced said that cyber attackers are using WhatsApp online status tracker website. With its help, they can keep track of who has come online on WhatsApp. In the same way, by keeping an eye on other people, it can also be estimated who is messaging whom.
When a user comes online on WhatsApp, their profile is immediately visible. With this, the status of online is also visible. Any user can see this. Even if you have not saved someone’s number, you can still find out if a user is online or not. The WhatsApp status tracker keeps tracking the status of the users continuously.
According to Traced, the time spent on the user’s WhatsApp can be detected by simply entering the number. Information on how long the user has been online on WhatsApp can also be obtained. Many such apps are available right now. These apps claim to keep an eye on partners or children. It can be found out from whom their children are talking or their partner is not cheating them.
The most serious thing is that by installing someone in the Victim’s smartphone for such spy, you have to enter the mobile number of those who have to keep an eye on it. These apps will also tell you how many times and when the user is coming online throughout the day. This also increases the risk of women’s retention.
Google has said that this application is very useful in keeping an eye on children. No person can be tracked from these apps without their knowledge. If there is tracking, then the user gets a notification of data transmission.