Author: Sayan Das
I have a penchant for writing on a variety of topics ranging from Technology to Psychology. With a Masters in Mass Communication and good command over the English language, I specialize in both fiction and non-fiction writing. When I am not blogging, I write and translate stories for children.
Amazing Trick How to Turn Off Find My iPhone Without A Password Before we learn how to turn off Find My iPhone without a password, let us look at the benefits of this feature. The Find My iPhone feature was introduced in the iOS 5 version in 2010. It is a great feature to keep track of your device should you happen to misplace or lose it. A GPS-based feature, Find My iPhone is an option you should definitely opt for to keep your device secure. You can simply use a Mac or any other iOS device to track your iPhone…
Awesome Techniques of How to Change Voicemail on iPhone You always have the option to change the contents of your iPhone voicemail. You can set it to any message you want. All you need is to know how to change voicemail on iPhone. Your carrier provides you with a voicemail box. You can then record any message of your choice and set it up for your callers. There are many other settings too that you can modify as per your liking. You can set up voicemail retrieval, the type of message, the interval of notifications, and so on. This method…
The Secret Of How To Transfer Videos From Pc To iPhone Who doesn’t enjoy watching videos on the large screen of computers? But sometimes, for the sake of portability, you want some videos to be available on your smartphone as well. You may want to watch movies or shows on your iPhone whenever you want. The flexibility and easier access to your videos are other plus points. Here, we will look at the various methods of how to transfer videos from PC to iPhone. There are a number of easy ways to transfer videos from PC to iPhone. You can…
Complete Guide in Step by Step Learn How to Sync Photos From iPhone to Mac There are many ways of how to sync photos from iPhone to Mac. The simplest and most recommended is to use iCloud which automatically syncs all your data. There are in-built apps too that you can use to easily sync your photos. You can choose to copy photos wirelessly or using a USB cable connecting your iPhone to the Mac. There is also the option of choosing only specific photos to sync. Or you can organize your photos into albums and folders. All synced photos…
Hidden Tips and Tricks How to Backup Your iPhone using iCloud, iTunes and Third Part App
Hidden Tips and Tricks How to Backup Your iPhone using iCloud, iTunes and Third Part App No matter how smart your smartphone is, it is always susceptible to unforeseen failure. So even if you are using an iPhone, you should know how to backup your iPhone. Your iPhone too, no matter how expensive it is, is subject to giving you troubles every now and then. We face problems with all electronic devices and digital devices at some point. Our smartphones are an integral part of our lives and contain a large part of who we are and what we do. We simply…
The Complete Guide How to Remove a SIM Card from an iPhone Whether you are using an iPhone or an iPad, as long as your device supports cellular services, it will have a SIM card slot. You will have to insert a SIM card into this slot to be able to use the services of the carrier. So you must know how to remove a SIM card from an iPhone or any other device. You may need to insert a new SIM card in certain cases. The SIM card will connect your iPhone to the network and enable you to make…
How to Take a Screenshot on iPhone X, XS and XR All iPhone Models iPhones are constantly changing features from one model to the other. The steps involved to get one task done in one model might not work in another. Taking a screenshot, for example, on an iPhone is not anything complicated. And yet, the iPhone X, XS and XR models are somewhat different from their predecessors, and so it is not the same process. So let us learn how to take a screenshot on iPhone X, XS and XR, if you are using any of these models. In…
The Secret Guide To Unlocking An iPhone With A Broken Screen Dropped your iPhone to the floor accidentally? Not your fault, but your kid dropped it while playing games on it? Cracking the screen of your iPhone is more common than you think! But once the screen is broken, is the iPhone unusable? Not at all! Here we will learn how to unlock an iPhone with a broken screen, so even if you have dropped it, you can continue to use it till you get the screen repaired. When the screen is broken, you cannot enter the passcode to unlock your…