There was controversy over WhatsApp’s new privacy policy. Many users have left WhatsApp and started going towards Telegram and Signal. WhatsApp has increased the date of accepting the privacy policy from 8 February to 15 May.
If you too are worried about your privacy and can not leave WhatsApp. So here we are telling you the settings of some WhatsApp. With which you can keep your chat and other WhatsApp data safe.
2-step verification
WhatsApp users must keep 2-step verification enabled. It gives an extra security layer to WhatsApp. This requires your 6-digit PIN to reset or verify WhatsApp. In case of loss of SIM, this extra security layer will be very useful. To enable it, go to WhatsApp settings. Go to account settings there. From there, enable it by going through 2-step verification.
Set password to run WhatsApp on desktop
Users can also put security in linking WhatsApp web with PC device. To open WhatsApp in desktop mode one needs to scan the QR code. After enabling this security, after scanning the QR code, you will need to provide a password to scan the QR code.
Whatsapp lock
With this feature of WhatsApp, you can lock your WhatsApp. With which to open this app, you have to give a fingerprint in Android. At the same time, Face-ID or Touch-ID will have to be given in the iPhone. To enable it, go to WhatsApp settings. Go to account settings there. After that go to privacy. Enable it by going to the screen lock there. Then set the time length of the lock. After which you want to lock WhatsApp.
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Profile privacy
In WhatsApp, the user can share his profile, last scene and status according to himself. The user has complete control over it. In which it has been given the option to share its contacts, with everyone or with anyone. The user can control it by going to the privacy settings of WhatsApp settings.
The user can also control his group’s privacy. Which can control who can add it to the group. Which can control who can add it to the group. This can be enabled by going to the privacy setting of WhatsApp in the group settings.