Now Download Easily if you like any Video on Facebook – How to do Learn
Often we like a video on Facebook. But we do not understand how to download it. In such a situation, today we are going to tell you the easy way. Let’s know.
The trend of video on Facebook has increased a lot over time. In such a situation, we also spend time watching videos. There are often lots of interesting things and videos on Facebook. We also like to download such funny videos on the phone. But the option to ‘save’ the video we see on Facebook is saved in the Facebook App. There are many apps out there to download videos from Facebook. But, you have to be careful. Because some apps can be a threat to your phone’s security. We tell you how you can download Facebook videos on Android phones and laptops.
How to download Facebook video
- If you are running Facebook on an Android phone and during that time want to download any interesting video on the phone, then you have to first open that Facebook video.
- Now you will see three dots where you have to tap them and copy the link.
- Now you have to open the site in your browser.
- Paste the link to the video here. After this a page will open in front of you where you have to tap, then you will have an option in which file you want to save the video.
- This is how you can download Facebook videos to Android phones by following this procedure.
Find out who viewed your profile on Facebook like this
Facebook is such a medium from where much personal information of people also comes out. Did you know that you can find out who is viewing your profile? Yes, with a simple trick you can find out who has visited your profile. In a few seconds, his profile will open in front of you.
Follow these steps
- First of all, you have to open the browser and log-in to Facebook in it.
- After login on to Facebook, you have to go to your profile.
- After that, you right-click. There you will see many options. But you have to go to View Page Source.
- You can also use the CTRL+U command to go to view the page source.
- Search BUDDY_ID by doing CTRL+F.
- There will be 15 digits in front of it, you have to copy it.
- After copying you have to enter digit. After that, after searching, you will be able to see the person who has seen your profile.