Due to the rapid rise of internet users, online presence is now becoming a must for every active business out there in the market. Digital marketing is probably the easiest and one of the most effective ways for any company to reach out to the targeted audience.
Besides, digital marketing strategy has now become the most reliable way to leap over the competition. It is so efficient that even a start-up with a unique and compelling idea of the presentation can compete with the renowned business giants under the same niche.
Well, online services and shopping is also a hassle-free way for the public compare to the offline market that needs a physical presence. But, online presence comes with few risks that both the company and customers had to deal with. One of the most common and indeed renowned risks is cyber attacks.
Although most Smartphone users prefer online shopping these days; it is one of the risks that keep many others from online services. Nevertheless, today’s technology innovation has already gone up to a level where this risk can be reduce to a great extent. In such a scenario, PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) automation is proven to be one of the important tools in the business; helping for authentication of user and device.
In this blog, you will get complete knowledge about PKI automation that secures the network. Also, it will ensure the right certificate request and issues using the right template following the parameters.
What exactly is PKI Automation?
PKI works with a two-key encryption system to secure sensitive electronic information in the network as it is exchange between two parties. It is an advanced cryptographic mechanism that emerged to overcome the drawback of the standard system.
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The infrastructure automatically avoids unauthorized access or phishing of the data before the data reaches the actual recipients as they are the only ones with the required key.
This advanced encryption, also called Asymmetric cryptography uses an unidentifiable procedure using a private key. In this encryption, the private key which is require to decipher the data is retain with the owner; although the public key is shared with everyone. You can get an elaborated explanation about those cryptography mechanisms in what is asymmetric cryptography.
Working procedure of PKI Automation
As the name suggests, PKI is an automatic arrangement that binds the keys with specific identities of different entities. As a part of the arrangement, PKI generates the keys and uses them for encryption or decryption to secure data without human interference.
PKI automation works by using two pairs of keys – a public key and a private key. These keys are randomly generated using a specific algorithm and both of them have a specific relationship with each other. Even if one of the keys is known, cracking the other one is tougher.
Applications of PKI infrastructure
1. Automated Confidentiality
The topmost yet basic function of PKI is protecting confidential information from intruders. This is possible by advance encryption technique in which public key is utilize to encrypt and its private key to decrypt.
A private key is necessary to access or understand the shared information by owner even if public key is available. Thus, it is way more secure than a normal encryption-decryption technique to protect any level of confidential information.
2. Ensured Automated Authenticity
The automation in PKI enables CSR (Certificate signing request), generation of certificates, and also installation of new certificates on the servers without the need for human intervention.
So, the sender attaches private key in same message as a digital signature before exchanging it with the receiver. The receiver can use the public key and verify whether the private key is from the sender. So, the receiver is ensuring the authenticity of the sender passively.
3. High-end automated integration
On the sender’s end, the data gets automatically encrypt by using the public key and attaches to the corresponding private key that is utilize on the recipient’s end to decrypt it. Now, both the data and the hash are exchange with the receiver. On receiving the data, the receiver decrypts the data using the public key of the sender and recreates another hash. Therefore, any modification in both of the hashes can be easily notice after verifying the alteration in signature and integrity.
4. Controlled Automated procedure
Under PKI secured environment, you can indeed search for the certificates and control them; as none can be left unnotice by the automated software. Besides, from generation and distribution to the real-time monitoring of data, PKI does everything to ensure a secure platform.
5. Provides a secure platform
Encryption done by using both the public and private keys are sophisticate as automated cryptography. It makes the platform secure from cyber attacks or denial of service; besides ensuring reliability on the preferred services to the customers. So, the PKI indeed ensures a secure platform.
Last Words
PKI automation is nowadays essential for every business present online, mainly e-commerce ones that come across online transactions frequently. Having such cyber secured environment integrated into your platform not only secures your business but also increases the reliability levels of your customers.