Samsung Thrashing Google Pixels at the at the Game of Their Own with Android Security Updates of 4 Years
Samsung has forged ahead of Google’s Pixel at the game of their own as it offers now 4 years’ security updates. For years Google Pixel phones got the longest life by 3 years’ updates including 3 main Android versions and monthly patches.
Android always falls behind iOS in the aspect of updates, as iPhones get 6 worthy years of updates. In this respect, the Pixel series by Google was the domineer offering completely 3 years’ updates because some Android smartphones get a lifespan of 2 years and not more. Although Google earlier promised just 2 major updates but in course of time the actual Google Pixel from Android 7.1 updated to Android 10.
Samsung was not up to the mark also even of late. It used to offer 2 chief Android versions and monthly updated for 2 years and then 1-year security updates that are lesser in frequency, for keeping devices safe. But today Samsung outshone Google with the announcement that all Samsung Galaxy devices inclusive of phones as well as Android tablets would now receive security updates by a 4th year too.
If Google wants to challenge Samsung now, they would have to give their Pixel line a minimum of one more year of updates along with improvement of software features.
But refurbished Google Pixel 3 is still sold by Google Store promising updates till October 2021 only. Whereas Samsung Galaxy S10 younger just by few months than Pixel 3 is going to get security updates at least occasionally in 2023.
In the 2020 end, Qualcomm and Google publicly announced a phone system to get more easily updates for 4 years including 3 major Android updates, beginning with phones released with Android 11 and Snapdragon 888. With the presumption of Pixel 5a arriving in the latter part of this year with a brand new Snapdragon chip, it might easily get full 4 years of updated plan and Google could take up the gauntlet to answer Samsung.