Telegram got the tremendous benefit of WhatsApp being down, so many millions of users connected in 6 hours
The WhatsApp outage has benefited Telegram a lot. WhatsApp was recently down for a long time. Not only WhatsApp but also the service of Facebook and Instagram were down for about 6 hours. Telegram has benefited a lot due to WhatsApp being down.
Telegram added 70 million users during the WhatsApp outage. The social media company attributed the outage to faulty configuration. This affected 3.5 billion users around the world. During WhatsApp down, users started using Telegram and Signal.
Telegram CEO Pavel Durov said that it had added 70 million users during the outage. He also congratulated his team for how they handled this sudden growth. He also told that these American users must have found Telegram a little slow.
He has further said that millions of users started signing up on Telegram simultaneously, due to which the platform became slow for some time.
Telegram has been downloaded more than 1 billion times so far. It has 500 million active users. Not only Telegram but Signal also saw growth during the WhatsApp outage.
WhatsApp is already in controversy due to its new privacy policy. Telegram and Signal have also been getting the benefit of this. These instant messaging apps are considered more secure than WhatsApp.