WhatsApp has now released a disappearing messaging feature for all WhatsApp users. By enabling this, you can chat with anyone, and then no messages will appear within 7 days.
This feature is available on Android and iOS platforms. According to the company, messages will disappear automatically under the disable message feature, but even if someone takes a screenshot or downloads a sent image or video, the phone will not appear in such a situation.
Another thing to keep in mind under this feature is that if you enable this feature and the next person wants to stop it, it can. If they do not stop it, it will work on both sides by starting you.
You have read in many places that these two features need to be enabled. But it’s not so, if you have enabled it in some way, you do not have to start them with who you are talking to, they can disable it if they want.
In any case, enabled or disabled, it is clear in the chat that the next person has disabled or enabled this feature. Let’s see how to disable it.
Update the WhatsApp app on Android or iOS. Go to the contact you want to chat with. Tap on the contact name (above). Now you can get the details made using that contact. Scroll down and you will see the message disappearing here.
A disappearing message must be enabled. As soon as you activate it, a notification will be sent to the contact chat stating that you have started the disappearing message. This will create a timer icon for the contact.
Now you can use this feature. Your chats will be deleted after 7 days. You can save space for this feature and this feature is also great for privacy.