Due to the Corona epidemic, many messaging platforms such as Zoom, Skype, Meet and Hangout changed their services and started providing better video and voice calling facilities. On the other hand, Telegram introduced one-on-one calling feature in August and now the company has started issuing group voice calling in the beta version of the app. In such a situation, if you are a Telegram beta user and want to try this feature then you can.
Let’s know how to use it.
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Important things:
- Do install the latest beta version of Telegram app.
- You must have a good speed internet connection.
- Let me tell you, currently the option of group voice calling is limited to admins only.
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Follow these steps to make group voice calling in Telegram:
- Open Telegram app in your phone.
- Go to any group chat window and tap on the header to expand it.
- Here you will see the details of the group such as members and notifications settings etc.
- Now tap the three horizontal dots from the top right corner and then select the Start Voice Chat option.
- After this, a new pop-up window will appear. From here you can select the members you want to add to the call.
Apart from this, you can also check the box in which it will be written that ‘Only admins can talk’. The reason for this is that the rest of the members will be able to hear, they will not be allowed to speak. Once this process is complete, tap the create button to start the group voice calls.