What did Steve Jobs say about Facebook 10 years ago?
Apple and Facebook do not like each other. This thing is not hidden from anyone. Now a new disclosure has been made on this in a report. According to a CNBC report, the two companies did not like each other since 2011.
A year after the launch of the iPad, the company began to like each other. Some documents have been revealed about this. These documents are part of a conversation between Apple and Epic Games Legal Battle. In the documents, some executives of Steve Jobs and Apple are shown some emails.
Apple Software Head Scott Forstall at the time sent an email to Steve Jobs and other executives. In this, he is telling Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg about Facebook’s iPad app.
Forstall told Zuckerberg that Facebook embedded apps such as Farmvill and other apps should not be placed on the Facebook iPad. Zuckerberg was not happy with it. He considered these apps to be part of the entire Facebook Experience. He was not ready to work on the iPad app without these apps.
In replying to Forstall’s mail, Zuckerberg was also suggesting Apple to do some persuasion and compromise. Steve Jobs said on this that he will not accept the third proposal of Fecebook. It seems Jobs deliberately wrote Facebook here on Fecebook.
Since then there has been a lot of problem between Apple and Facebook. Recently, there has been a controversy over Apple’s App Tracking Transparency feature. Apple has released it with iOS 14.5. With this, users will have more option of which app can control them. Facebook is very angry with this feature. He is calling Apple an enemy of small business.