Call without network, how to enable WiFi calling on the device: Learn
Free voice calling without network, enable WiFi Calling feature on your device
We are sometimes in danger due to a bad network during voice calls. Then we scold the telecom service providers of the country. But that does not solve our problem. However, in case of difficulty in voice calling due to the absence of a network or a bad network, there are alternative methods that we can use to recover the necessary phone calls. Nothing else, we’re talking about the WiFi calling feature here. This feature makes it very easy to make voice calls in the presence of a strong WiFi network. Note that the WiFi calling feature can be used on all platforms – be it Android or iOS.
For information, WiFi calling requires VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) network, not VoLTE. Many smartphones now have a WiFi calling facility. On devices where the feature is missing, there is no question of its activation.
How to enable WiFi calling on Android devices
1. Go to the ‘Settings’ menu of the smartphone and select the Network / Connections / Mobile Networks option.
2. Now select ‘Wi-Fi Preferences’ and click on the ‘Advanced’ option.
3. Find the ‘Wi-Fi Calling’ option. Then select the SIM card for which you want to activate the feature. In this case, of course, the feature can be activated on both SIM cards.
4. Some phones have the option of ‘Wi-Fi Calling’ when you go to the Network section. So there is no need to look for the ‘Advanced’ option. Thus, the path to follow may be slightly different in the case of different phones.
How to enable WiFi calling on iOS devices
1. Go to the ‘Settings’ option and select ‘Phone’.
2. Select the ‘Mobile Data’ option. Then enable ‘Wi-Fi Calling’.
3. Toggling the ‘Wi-Fi Calling on This iPhone’ option will activate the feature on the interesting device.