Find out if your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. passwords have been hacked easily! Google Chrome launches new Password Checker
At present, almost all of us use social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. And to avoid any danger there, we have to select a very strong password (Strong Password). But even with the slightest carelessness, the dangers that come with it happen. Many times our account is hacked.
Google Chrome has recently introduced its Password Checker. This allows us to easily determine if the passwords for Google, Facebook, Twitter or any of our other accounts have been compromised. These can be checked in a very simple and very beautiful way. In today’s article, you must know that method.
Google Chrome launches new Password Checker
Google recently added an extra layer of security to their Chrome browser. With the help of which it is very easy to check whether the password of Facebook, Twitter, or other account has been hacked. Let’s find out now.
To find out, first update your Google Chrome browser. Your Google Chrome browser needs to be updated to Chrome 96 or later. Only then can you do this work. Then open the Google Chrome browser. From there, go to Settings by clicking on the Three Dots Menu at the top right.
Then select Autofill and then select Passwords. In the next option, you have to select Check Password. Diameter. Only then will automatic checking begin. And Chrome will show you which of your passwords have been compromised or which are weak or which need to be updated by dividing you into different groups.
If it appears that your password has been compromised, change the password immediately. However, changing the password is not necessary. Wants to know some rules of password change. Select a very strong password which will reduce the chances of the password being hacked. Let’s find out how you can select a relatively strong password.
How to select a strong password?
It is good to note that a survey found that a large number of people set passwords using words or numbers like ‘12345’ or password or your own name or your date of birth or living place below. But sadly, such passwords can be easily guessed. As a result, it doesn’t take long for your account to be hacked.
So use passwords that are not easy for anyone to guess. Especially for someone, you know. When using a password, use the numbers in it, use letters with it, use capital letters and small letters. Put some special marks on it. Use such as hashtags, percentages, full stops, exclamation signs, etc.
Combining all of these with creating a password reduces the chances of that password being hacked. So become aware of this right now. And avoid any password problems.