Stop third party apps from accessing Google Account, this is a very easy way
Your device is not completely safe from cyber attack. By taking some necessary steps to protect it, you can protect your device from hackers. In this, you can limit access to such third party app which is linked to your Google account.
Your device is not completely safe from cyber attack. By taking some necessary steps to protect it, you can protect your device from hackers. In this, you can limit access to such third party app which is linked to your Google account. A large number of people around the world use Google accounts. It is often seen that information about your shopping, gaming, music, etc., is accessible to the third party app. At the same time, some apps keep it private. The less your third party app will be connected to Googgle Account, the less likely it will be to be hacked. You can remove or check the Third Party App in these ways.
Android Smartphone (First Way)
- Users using Android phones have to switch on mobile data or connect to reliable Wi-Fi networks. After that you will have to go to the settings of the phone and open a Google account.
- After the search is complete, you will see many options in Google account. One of these will be security. Click on the security tape.
- After this your Google account will appear. You can close the apps you want according to your security and other standards.
- On going to security, you will see access to the Manage Third Party app option. Click on it
In this, you will see all the third party apps which are linked with Google account. After this, you can access the removal by going individual on every app. It is up to you who you want to access the removal. It is possible that you have not given access to Google account to any third party app.
Android Smartphone (Second Way)
This is the easy way.
- Connect your Internet to Android, you open your Google App, which is part of the Google Suite.
- Tap on the icon of the Google account on the right corner.
- Tap on Manage Your Google account
- Then go to Security
For laptop and tablet
Laptops and tablet users can access third party apps in this way.
- Open Google account on a trusted browser. Opening on updated Google Chrome would be much better
- Open a new tab on the browser
- Click on the right corner of the account
- Manage click on your Google account
- Click on Security. It will be on the left
- Follow step 3 of the first