An essential and beneficial feature of social media apps is sharing your thoughts and achievements with close people or selected people in your social media profile. Among those apps which allow sharing your information, the Facebook app plays a significant role. When you are using Facebook, some problems can occur due to a lack of knowledge about Facebook. So, How to make a post shareable on Facebook or How to allow people to share your post on Facebook?
Sometimes you may have trouble with how to let people share your posts on Facebook? Here I have mentioned everything steps by step. Read carefully and follow the steps.
You will see a security button under Facebook your profile name. After tapping it, you can change it to the below options.
1) Public –Here, every person can see your shared post. Whether the people who your friends or not. Everyone on Facebook can see it.
2) Your Friends – In here, only your friends on Facebook can see this post.
3) Friends except – In this case, you can exclude some friends on Facebook. You can select those friends who you need to exclude.
4) Specific Friends – Some posts are only visible to selected friends in your list.
5) Only me – If you put this, only you can share the post
6) Custom – Here, you can create a list of people you need the post.
After selecting this, tap on Post to see the message on your wall. Make sure to check whether the actual post is shareable or not. Considering your profile, it’s easy to make the share option. But in the case of the group, it won’t be easy.
When you have a public Facebook group, all posts you post there can be shared by members in that group until you set the security settings as public.
But when you are in a private group, it isn’t easy to share every post. Those posts you created within the group will not be shareable outside of the group.
If you need to make a post in your private Facebook Group that others can share, you can follow the steps which I have mentioned below.
1) Make the post on your timeline. First of all, confirm that the post is shareable with the public.
2) Click on the Share button on the below right corner
3) Then, the dropdown menu will be opened.
4) Select share to Group, then choose the private group you’re in.
5) The most important thing is that the post should be shared with the private group.
If you’ve already made a post, though you haven’t changed the security settings yet, don’t be messed. Still, you have the chance to change the older posts.
1) Go to the post history.
2) Select the person/people who you want to add to share the posts.
3) There is a button right beside the date of the post, and you can click it
4) Especially the menu of the security settings should be shown.
5) Select the suitable settings that you need.
6) When you’ve tapped on your choice, automatically, it will be added to the post.
7) People who have permission can share the post now.
In this case, you will be able to select special friends, a group, or all friends except specific people if you wish to share without making it public. Make sure, though, that if you post a message on another person’s wall, that person also can see the people who share your post because you have tagged them.
1) Log in to your Facebook account
2) Go to the home page
3) Click on Pages at the top of the left menu.
4) Select the Page that has the post you need to share.
5) Scroll down the Page wall until you realize the post which you need.
6) Click on Share on the lower right of the post.
Only your selected people can share the post and check it. You can change it anytime following the steps which I have mentioned above. As you know, there are a lot of similarities regarding the web version of this. So there are similar security settings also. You can edit the security setting of your post through the mobile app below. I mentioned things.
It is no difference between ios and android versions. The Facebook mobile app doesn’t platform-dependent. So the steps of making a Facebook post shareable on the iPhone are similar to the actions of androids.
When you need a post to be shareable outside also, follow the below I mentioned steps
1) First of all, tap on the date of the post which you need to share.
2) Copy the URL as shown on the address box.
3) Then, you can share the link outside Facebook.
Facebook is a widely distributed platform that has a lot of access. It’s beneficial to promote some brands as well as increase the contacts between each other. Sharing posts is an easy method to educate a lot of people at once. Therefore having better knowledge about how to make things shareable on Facebook is beneficial and essential. Make sure to concern more about the post that you share. Sometimes there can have some legal issues regarding some content in the standings. Therefore as an admin of a Facebook group, you have a big responsibility.