What is the API? – Know Complete information about API & How it works!
If you are interested in computer or are starting to learn programming then you should know what is API. And if you do not know What is API then today we will give you complete information about it. API is a kind of software that works to connect two programs together. It is a set of codes by which accessing the Internet is made easy. If we have to go to any website, then there is no need to give our information separately for that. Whatever data you have used on Google, the API makes that data available to the website.
API is the most important system for accessing the application. So let us now know about API Meaning and what is API in detail so that you will be able to understand its usefulness. Along with this, we will also tell you what is API Full Form, so to know, read our post from beginning to end.
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What is the API
It is a kind of software that works to connect two programs together. It is a set of codes by which accessing the Internet is made easy. If you want to use data or functions of any other application in your app, then for this you have to use API. By this, the code does not have to be written again and again, which makes computer programming very simple. For example, if you go to a website, there are 2 options to log in to that website.
If we open a website, then with the help of these two options, we can log in to it. Both these companies are very large, so for other small websites, the facility of logging in with Google and Facebook is given so that they can be logged in with one click. So our details are taken to the login page through the API itself.
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What is the Full Form Of API?
API Stands for Application Programming Interface.
API Testing Tools
Next we are telling you the best API Testing Tools. You can use them according to your need.
- Katalon Studio
- Postman
- Soapui
- API Fortress
- Ping API
- rest-assured
- Apimetrics
- Jmeter
Types of APIs
Procedural: Procedural APIs go to the server to perform the main tasks of the application, and after completing the task, provide an interface to the user, through which the user can complete his tasks.
Object Oriented: The Object Oriented API does the complex tasks of objects and then moves them to the server. Object Oriented API is more efficient and faster than other APIs.
Service Oriented: Service Oriented API is used for e-commerce website, the user performs the tasks through the application, transmits them to the server in the form of Service Oriented API protocol.
Resource Oriented: Resource Oriented API stores or collects our data, and then takes it to the server, big companies use it to keep their company data secure.
API Examples
Examples of APIs are given to you further. There are different types of APIs, but we will tell you some of the main examples.
YouTube API – YouTube Videos works through API Integration on website and application.
Google Maps API – Programmers connect the Google Maps API to a webpage. This API is specially designed for desktop browser and mobile.
Ticket Booking – Whenever we book any type of ticket like – train, bus or movie, then an API is created for all the available seats on the same website.
API usage
API saves time, data is saved in the API, so that with the help of API, we can automate most of the tasks. This benefits not only any one user but also the business.
API provides easy interface, which increases the efficiency of the products.
API is more easy to use than other technology because the user can use it according to his need, so the reach of API is very high.
API is very useful for business partnership with business, it is very useful for business information, changes in it and for customizing it.
So friends, hope you have understood how important API is. Through this, it has become more possible and easier to do tasks on the Internet, with the help of which you can run any application. Friends, how did you like the information of API, tell us by commenting and also tell your friends what API is. If you liked the post then don’t forget to like.
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